How Amazon AWS Training and Certification changes reschedule policy
Amazon on the sly changed reschedule policy from unlimited rescheduling to only 2 rescheduling. When? We asked Amazon, see details below.
Disclaimer: I do not represent my current/previous employers on my personal Medium blog.
I noticed that I cannot reschedule my AWS exam:

This exam can only be rescheduled 2 times, which has already occurred.
I send e-mail to

Amazon ignored first question and confirm second:

Yes, these rules are applicable to all AWS exam tester.
You can navigate to and find the proof.
When Amazon changed reschedule policy? I asked Amazon one more time and my question was ignored again. Let’s ask Wayback Machine.
Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web and other information on the Internet.
Based on internet archive, Amazon changed reschedule policy from unlimited rescheduling to only 2 rescheduling between 21st of April and 10th of July, 2019:
Is this is problem?! Yep, for voucher owners and enterprise users.
If you cancel your exam booked with voucher you can expect expired voucher. That is why you cannot reschedule and must pay again.
If you cancel your exam booked with corporate credit card you can expect many bureaucracy problems.
Amazon has allowed me to reschedule my exam w/o extra fee:

Many thanks!