uefa.com website secret feature: How to “buy” tickets for UEFA EURO 2024?
The main sales phases for UEFA EURO 2024 tickets closed. However, with the contact-advantages
secret feature, you can open the hidden side of the https://euro2024-sales.tickets.uefa.com website.
Note: If you prefer video instruction, navigate to https://youtu.be/T9K-hiAvPnE?si=HfUObmBDt9ZHWv1r:
Step 1/3: Navigate to https://www.uefa.com/euro2024/ticketing/ and click TICKET PORTAL

You will see the default https://euro2024-sales.tickets.uefa.com/account website without an option to buy tickets:

Step 2/3: Make a typo at the end of the URL address, e.g., https://euro2024-sales.tickets.uefa.com/account2 and click ADD MORE TICKETS / MATCHES

You will see much longer URL now (e.g., https://euro2024-sales.tickets.uefa.com/secure/selection/event/date/product/101802926871/lang/en) with a product ID in it (e.g., 101802926871

Step 3/3: Change URL by adding contact-advantages/10229302961043/
before lang/en
(e.g., https://euro2024-sales.tickets.uefa.com/secure/selection/event/date/product/101802926871/contact-advantages/10229302961043/lang/en):

Congrats! You can see hidden side of the website now:

To see the purchase options for concrete match (e.g., Hungary vs Switzerland) you need to change the URL address again, e.g.,

I read about this feature in Weronika Opszalska Facebook post at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1648891872513602/permalink/1691009284968527:

The reason for the detected feature may be the recent post at https://twitter.com/euro2024ticket/status/1798372084059664429: